What is Reiki & how does it work?

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an energy therapy whose history goes back 2500 years ago, and was rediscovered in the late 1800s by Dr. Mikao Usui, from Japan. It was brought to the U.S. in the 1970s. Reiki is actually two words: “Rei,” meaning “universal” and “ki,” meaning “life force” or “energy,” like chi or prana. The focus of Reiki is to enhance the flow of energy through and around a client’s body, enhancing the health and well-being of the person on every level – mind, body and spirit. Many eastern practices support the principle that when there is a disruption in the flow of energy, illness or issues can manifest. Reiki helps eliminate the disruption or blockage of energy in a person’s system.
A Reiki practitioner accesses the universal energy and directs it to the client for the purpose of healing in a holistic way – mind, body and spirit. While the practitioner performs Reiki on the entire body, an emphasis is placed on the seven primary energy centers (chakras) of a person.
How is Reiki performed?
Reiki is performed on a fully-clothed person lying face-up on a treatment table (massage table). The practitioner gently places her hands in strategic positions starting at the top of the head and ending at the soles of the feet. The session ends with the person lying face-down, so the practitioner can access the back. Reiki can also be performed on a person sitting in a chair or wheelchair, however most people are able to maximize the relaxation benefits when lying down.
How long does a session last?
A Reiki session is typically one hour, however benefits can be achieved in only minutes.
What does Reiki feel like?
Most people initially feel the benefits of relaxation and stress reduction. Very often, a person will feel a penetrating heat emitting from the hands of the practitioner, that most describe as very comforting. A person might also feel a slight tingling that represents the energy moving through the body. Some people might even fall asleep during a session, immediately going to a very deep state. After the session, a person might initially feel a little sleepy, however once they start moving around they might feel more energized than before. Those seeking relief from pain might feel immediate benefits upon the end of the session, or might reach maximum results within the following few days.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
Stress reduction and relaxation
Works on all levels -- physical and emotional
Helps heal the subconcious mind where many emotional issues are rooted
Relief from pain
Enhances healing of all illness
Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy
Enhances and facilitates benefits of psychotherapy
Comforts the elderly
Heals the cause of illness/disease and relieves symptoms
Offers peace to the terminally ill
Reduces anxiety and panic disorder
Surgery patients need less anesthesia, come out of anesthesia more easily with less side effects
How long does it take for Reiki to work?
Reiki has immediate benefits in promoting a relaxed and peaceful state. For other physical and/or emotional concerns, immediate benefits can also be experiences, however some people will experience a delayed reaction.
How many Reiki sessions do I need?
It depends on the person, the situation that is of concern and how they respond to the treatment. I have seen people completely better after one session, however it usually is a process for most. Also, many people use Reiki in conjunction with either psychotherapy or other medical treatment they may be getting for a physical issue. Reiki can enhance other treatments a person is using and can hasten the benefits.
Can Reiki harm a person? Are there side effects?
Reiki can never harm a person or worsen any condition/illness. There are no negative side effects at all. If nothing else, people reap the benefits of relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki is a gentle healing energy that only offers positive benefits and results.
If I learn Reiki, can I use it on myself?
Yes, you can absolutely use it on yourself and most Reiki students do it almost everyday. One of the greatest benefits of learning Reiki is that it initiates a powerful healing within the student. Students go through a 21-day cleansing period, which is subtle and can initiate healing in both the emotional and the physical. Many students use Reiki on themselves when first getting up in the morning or in the evening upon going to sleep -- it usually helps the person enjoy a deeper and more restful sleep and if you're someone who has trouble sleeping, it can also help with that.
How long does it take to learn Reiki in order to do it on myself?
You can learn Reiki in one day by taking the First Degree class. In Reiki I, you learn all about Reiki, how it works and how to use it -- both on yourself and others. You learn how to treat yourself and how to perform a full-body session on others. Many people who study Reiki I do it for the sole purpose of treating themselves or treating family/friends who are ill. There are typically four levels of Reiki training.
Can Reiki be performed on children?
Reiki can be used on children and is especially effective for children diagnosed with ADHD or autism, promoting a calmness. In general, Reiki can also be used on children to help facilitate recovery of typical childhood illnesses or injuries.
Can Reiki be used on pets?
Reiki is commonly used on pets. Some Reiki practitioners volunteer in their local SPCA or Human Society to help with abandoned pets.
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Copyright 2009, Holistic Health and Reiki, www.holistichealthandreiki.com . All rights reserved.
Diane Todd
Ocean Grove, New Jersey -- Monmouth County at the Jersey Shore