What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a powerful process that can help just about anyone achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in their lives. These techniques have been described by some as one of the most important breakthroughs in the area of psychology in this century. They have been used successfully with thousands of people with a broad range of difficulties.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is becoming known to many amazed users as a "modern miracle." It can dramatically relieve emotional disturbances along with many physical symptoms. It often works in minutes, its results are usually long lasting, and side effects are almost always positive.
EFT is versatile and has been used by thousands of therapists on thousands of clients, with successes on even the most difficult problems and by relieving imbalances in their client's energy systems.
The use of this technique is relatively new and may be a part of the beginning of a complete revolution in the way we handle our emotions. In many cases, difficulties that have persisted in spite of years of work using the methods of traditional psychology may be relieved in minutes. If, not, relief is generally possible within days or weeks rather than years.
EFT was developed in the 1990's by Gary Craig, whose academic training includes a Stanford Engineering Degree. While personal healing has been his passion for over 30 years, Craig is neither a licensed therapist nor a trained psychologist. Many of the concepts underlying EFT came from his training in Thought Field Therapy (TFT) under the tutorship of Dr. Roger Callahan.
TFT involves the use of 10 or 15 individualized tapping routines. EFT differs in that it employs only one comprehensive tapping routine which is used for all emotional and physical problems. Because of this, it is easy enough to be mastered by most people.
Understanding how emotional healing with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) works may require an open mind for many people. The effectiveness of EFT only makes sense if it is related to the human energy system. Fortunately, you don't have to believe any of this to receive the positive benefits of using these techniques.
In addition to having a physical body which is fueled by food, we humans also run on an intricate energy system which is fueled by electrical impulses that run through the body. This energy system holds the key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives.
When it is out of balance, our emotional life could be compared to a car that is in desperate need of a tune up. The result may take the form of any type of emotional disturbance including phobias, anger, depression, grief, guilt, anxiety, and a full range of fears, to name a few. There may also be physical symptoms like pain, headaches, asthma and tension that are related to the emotions. EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances. What is even better is that it often provides relief in minutes and the results are usually long lasting. In fact, it frequently provides relief where other techniques fail and has a high success rate, typically 80% or better.
EFT is based on a revolutionary new discovery that violates most of the beliefs within conventional psychology. It contends that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves symptoms by a scientific routine of tapping with the fingertips on a series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridian system.
The tapping serves to release the blockages that are created when a person thinks about or becomes involved in an emotionally disturbing circumstance. When this blockage is released, the emotions come into balance. Once balanced, the person's response to the situation diminishes or disappears completely. The memory remains, but the negative response is gone. Typically, the result is lasting and the person's awareness usually changes in a positive way as a natural result of the healing.
Most energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time using this process. Others may be relieved through repetition of the process. Some examples of energetic patterns that have been successfully cleared using EFT:
Fears related to performance like public speaking, concentration, sports, etc.
Phobias like the fear of heights, flying, enclosed spaces, driving, etc.
Emotional trauma from war experiences, physical abuse, etc.
Disturbing emotions like depression and anger.
Emotions related to addictive patterns like eating and smoking
Emotions related to physical conditions.
How long do the results last?
EFT is generally long lasting. Physical healings are often impressive and long lasting as well, but are more likely to re-emerge than emotional issues.
Are EFT's results due to either placebo effects or distraction?
No. Placebo effects require some belief in the process and this is rarely the case for newcomers to EFT. Also, although EFT may appear to be distracting, it will not work if the client is, in fact, distracted. That is why the client continually repeats a phrase which "tunes in" to the problem.
Are there any negative side effects?
EFT is quite gentle and does not have any side effects. It is often used instead of other procedures, because of its gentle nature.
Can I learn EFT myself?
Yes. it's easy to learn and can be used very effectively on yourself. For more info on learning EFT either one-on-one or in a scheduled workshop, call (732)774-7792 or email holistichealthconnect@msn.com.
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Ocean Grove, New Jersey -- Monmouth County at the Jersey Shore