Reiki Classes
(See "How a Reiki Class is Conducted" on next page for details on how the class is set up and the focus of the class!)
Reiki, which means "universal life force” energy, is a natural form of healing with its roots in ancient times. The Reiki system, a gentle "laying-on” of hands technique, helps restore balance in our lives and works on a holistic basis. It promotes well-being on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, recognizing the body's ability to heal itself.
Individual & off-site instruction available, too!
To register for a Reiki class or obtain more information,
call (732) 774-7792.
One-on-one classes available.
If you want to take a class and don't see a date that works for you, call.
Very often, it takes one call to get another class scheduled.
Refresher classes available at reduced rates for previous students!
Haven't practiced Reiki in a while and need a review? Refresh and refine your knowledge and techniques with a refresher class. Not only does it reinforce what you previously learned, you will have the opportunity to be in the energy, receive 2 attunements and receive a full-body session.
Call for more info!!!9
Deposits requested to hold your space at a class!
Reiki I - $165

When: Sunday
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Where:Ocean Grove - Call (732) 774-7792 to register!
Eligibility Requirements: Must have a desire and intention to help others and want self-improvement -- as Reiki I training initiates a powerful healing experience for the student
Two attunements
The history, purposes and effects of Reiki
Receiving two First Degree Reiki attunements
The chakra system
Complete instructions for full body treatment to another person
Self-Reiki hand positions
Working with another student to experience giving a Reiki treatment, as well as receiving one from them
Instructional manual
First Degree Reiki certificate
Reiki II - $195

When: Sunday,
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Where: Ocean Grove (Call 732-774-7792 to register!)
Eligibility Requirements: Must have completed Reiki I training
Two attunements
How to integrate Reiki symbols into your sessions to enhance and focus the healing energy
Three symbols with specific usage to enhance healing and the Reiki energy
How to break up energy blockages
How to perform a Spinal Clearing
How to scan and beam Reiki & perform a Reiki Shower
Using crystals to enhance healing
Using a pendulum to determine blockages
How to perform distant healing
How to protect and clear you, your client and your space
Instructional manual
Advancing to the Reiki II from Reiki I increases the frequency and vibration of the energy by nearly four times!
Reiki III - Master/Practitioner - $225
(as taught by the International Center for Reiki Training & William Lee Rand)

When: Sunday
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Where: Ocean Grove (Call 732-774-7792 to register!)
Fee: $200 (Deposit required)
Eligibility Requirements: Must be Reiki II or Master level practitioner
Two Master Attunements with Tibetan & Usui Master symbols
Master symbol & instructions on how to use it
Complete instruction on how to create a Reiki Grid for continuous healing - placing yourself, other & situations in it
How to perform Psychic Surgery for the very powerful and effective removal of deep and critical issues, both physical and emotional
Specialized techniques for pre-operative and post-operative clients to prepare them for their surgery, including guided imagery scripts, healing affirmations and more
How to use the ancient and very powerful Antahkarana symbol to enhance and direct Reiki energy
Using crystals to enhance healing
Sending Reiki through the eyes
Specialized meditations for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being
Training manual
Reiki Master/Teacher - Two Saturdays - Ocean Grove

When: Saturdays, April 24 & May 1
Time: June 5 - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
June 12 - 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $500 ($100 deposit required)
Eligibility Requirements: Please call (732) 774-7792 for eligibility requirements. Eligibility is determined not only by these requirements, but by the student's intentions, commitment and dedication to this healing work and helping others
Two attunements
Extensive discussion on what it means to become a Reiki Master/Teacher, the ethics and becoming a role model for other students
Ability to teach others how to perform Reiki
Reiki Master symbols, their meanings and usage
Complete and detailed instructions to perform a self-attunement, healing attunement and student attunements for each level of Reiki training -- Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master/Teacher
Practice, practice, practice to ensure you understand and know the intricasies of the attunement process
Student manual, including Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki Master/Teacher text
Class deposits are non-refundable.
Ongoing Reiki Circles & Shares!!!
Reiki Shares held each month. Includes discussion, guided meditation, and Reiki exchange on the tables (everyone gives Reiki & everyone receives).
Fee: $10
Call (732)774-7792 to RSVP your attendance!
Holistic Health Connect is located in Ocean Grove, NJ, Monmouth County at the Jersey Shore!
Serving Northern & Central New Jersey!
Holistic Health Connect -- Your resource for holistic services in Central NJ!
Reiki -- Massage -- Craniosacral Therapy -- EFT -- Tuning Fork Therapy -- Workshops -- Chakra Clearing -- Auras -- Psychic Development -- Past Life Regression -- Crystals -- Law of Attraction -- BioMat -- Spiritual Development -- Personal Growth
Copyright 2009, Holistic Health Connect, All rights reserved.
Ocean Grove, New Jersey