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The Awesome Power of Crystals!!!

Renew, refresh and rejuvenate . . .


I hope you find everything you are looking for here. Holistic Health and Reiki Center is focused on providing thorough, compassionate and professional services in a customized way to suit the needs of clients and students. There are a variety of services to choose from, and many workshops and classes that focus on self-improvement and spirituality -- and you can register on line on the page 'Register for a class.'


I have been teaching and practicing Reiki for over 20 years. I'm grateful to have taught hundreds of students how to perform Reiki, which not only offers instruction on how to treat others, but teaches the student how to use this wonderful healing energy on themselves in performing self-Reiki.


My mission is to help other people evolve by empowering those who come to me for treatment and learning.  In all workshops, I teach how to use the information on your own, and I offer tips and tools that people can help themselves with.  


Browse around, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Diane Todd

(732) 774-7792

Providing complementary/alternative services & training with care & compassion

H. O. P. E.

Helping Other People Evolve!

 Now offering in-home Reiki in Monmouth & Ocean Counties!

Call (732) 774-7792 to schedule a session!

$130 for a one-hour session.


Chakra Clearing & Balancing!

Feeling stuck, maybe a heaviness, or things just not going your way? A Chakra Clearing & Balancing can help you to move forward and let go of things that are holding you back.

Only $85 for a one-hour session (including BioMat)!


Call (732) 774-7792 for more info or to schedule a session!

BioMat Sessions Available!!!

$45 for one hour!

Come & Experience the Healing & Relaxation Benefits of

Far Infra-Red Heat!

FDA Approved.

Guided meditation CD with three meditations

12, 15 & 20 minutes!

Meditations for relaxation, stress reduction & healing!

Cost: $14.00 (includes 1st class shipping)

To purchase, call 732-774-7792 or

Other meditation CDs also available!

Crystal Singing Bowl: Raise Your Vibration!!!

Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation for Healing & Peace


January 22

February 12

March 12

6:30 - 8:00 p .m.

Ocean Grove


Call 732-774-7792 to register!

Since the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 - 489 B.C.E.) the harmonics of singing bowls have been used to induce meditation and assist spiritual seekers to the state of enlightenment. Come experience the transformational power of a crystal singing bowl meditation using 7 bowls calibrated to each of the primary chakras in the energy body. The meditation will start with guided imagery and go into the playing of the bowls. Previously used in Tibet for meditation and ceremonial purposes, Singing Bowls are struck with a padded mallet and rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of harmonic resonances and rich overtones.

Reiki Certification Training

Thorough & Complete Training with High Standards

Reiki I - $175

Saturday, January 18

Sunday, March 9

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call (732) 774-7792 to register!

Reiki II - $195

Sunday, February 2

Sunday, March 30

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call 732-774-7792 to register!

Reiki III - $225

Sunday, February 23

Sunday, April 27

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call (732) 774-7792 to register!

Reiki Master/Teacher Training

Two-day training

Call for dates!

To Be Announced!

Ocean Grove


Call (732) 774-7792 for details & eligibility requirements!!


For detailed information on Reiki Classes, click here!


Click here for how our Reiki Classes are conducted!













How to See & Read Auras!

Wednesday, March 26

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call (732) 774-7792 to register!


Everything and everyone has an energy field around it --- an AURA.  Learn how to see auras and what the aura colors tell us.  The aura can tell us vital information about what is going on in our lives and how we are handling it.  Using practical exercises, this experiential workshop will teach participants how to detect a person's electro-magnetic field, as well as how to begin to see auras of others and yourself.  Includes guided imagery to help open your sensitivity to enhancing your experience.  

This is a fun and informative workshop!!!











The Highly Sensitive Person:

What to do when the world overwhelms you

Coming soon!

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call (732) 774-7792 to register!



Are you easily overwhelmed by such things as bright lights, strong smells or sirens nearby? Do you pick up on the energy of places and other people? Do crowds bother you? Do you need to have alone and quiet time after a busy day? Do you feel deeply? Do you make it a high priority to avoid overwhelming situations? When you were a child, did your parents or teachers see you as sensitive or shy? Learn about HSPs, the traits, the pros and cons, and how to manage it.






Emotional Freedom Technique:  

Tap your way to happiness & well-being!

Wednesday, April 9

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.


Call (732) 774-7792 to register!



Some people undergo therapy for months or years for relief from many different issues or trauma with little of no results. Emotional Freedom Techniques is extremely effective in these cases, freeing people from phobias, anxiety disorder, anger, guilt, grief, physical pain, emotionally-based illness and much more. A holistic technique, EFT works with a series of gentle tapping on strategic acupoints of the upper body to help resolve a specific problem or issue. It is referred to as the "one minute miracle," is quick to use and easy to learn. Learn this amazing process and allow your emotions their well deserved freedom.

Past Life Regression
Wednesday, April 30
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove
Call (732) 774-7792 to register!

What you are today is the sum total of your 'past', which not only includes your past from the present lifetime but also from all your previous lifetimes as well. Your personality is shaped by the memories and impressions of each and every moment of your past, which are stored in your subconscious mind. In this workshop, you will learn many interesting facts about past lives, as well as experience a regression to other lifetimes. Some of the benefits of past life regression are:- See personal relationships in a new light- Energize talents and abilities from the past- Release fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas- Release past life traumas at the root of physical problems- Experience the transitional states of death and beyond- Understand and align with your life purpose.


The Power of Crystals
Wednesday, January 29
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove
Call (732) 774-7792 to register!

Crystals are known for their abilities of receiving, storing, amplifying and transmitting energy. Each crystal has a specific mineral composition, physical structure and chemical properties. The healing energies of crystals and gemstones have been utilized by humans since ancient times. Crystals have also been used for meditation, spiritual growth and divination as they radiate a high pure vibrational frequency and are always tuned into divine energies. This workshops will cover clearing and protecting with crystals, crystal grids, charging and cleansing stones, making crystal water, how to use crystal wands & more!

Learn to Meditate!

All the Basics!


Coming soon!

6:30- 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call (732) 774-7792 to register!



From TM to Guided Imagery, learn all about the relaxing and healing benefits of meditation! This workshop will cover the benefits of meditation, different types of meditation, how and when to meditate and more. It will also offer breathing techniques for relaxation and well-being. This workshop is experiential and will include samples of different types of meditation. Come & find that "quiet center" that exists in each of us!

All About Dreams, Astral Travel & Lucid Dreams!

Wednesday, February 26

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove



Ever dream you're being chased, or falling, or maybe even naked? Have recurring dreams or nightmares? Do you have lucid dreams, or experience as​tral travel? Learn what it all means at this workshop!


Are you Experiencing Signs of Spiritual Awakening?

Understanding the Shifts you Might be Experiencing


Wednesday, May 21

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Ocean Grove

Call 732-774-7792 to register!



As we walk our path of spirituality, we are evolving in many different ways -- mind, body & spirit. We become more "sensitized" in various ways, and this can cause different symptoms. Your dreams can be more vivid, you might have ringing in your ears, you might want more "alone time." Join us for this informative evening, and experience an understanding of what you might be going through.




Free Meditation Every Tuesday at

Cancer Support Community of

Monmouth Medical Center!

300 Second Ave. (near Pavilion St.), in Long Branch

Open to those whose lives are affected by cancer, and their caregivers. The center offers other programs, including yoga, qi gong, support groups, educational presentations, and much more!

Call (732) 923-6090 for information

or visit

Sign up for notices of new classes, workshops & programs at:

Guided meditation CD with three meditations

12, 15 & 20 minutes!

Meditations for relaxation, stress reduction

& healing!

Cost: $15.00 (includes 1st class shipping)

To purchase, call 732-774-7792 or

Check out upcoming classes:

  • Reiki

  • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

  • Are you a Worrywart? Manage worry!

  • Messages From Water: What are they saying?

  • Law of Attraction

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques

  • Tap into your Intuitive Wisdom

Quote of the week:

"If you want help, help others. If you want trust, trust others. If you want respect, respect others. If you want friends, be one. If you want love and peace in your life, give them away. That's how it works."

Dan Zadra

Special Offer!!!

One-hour full-body Reiki session

only $65 (initial visit only)!

Call (732)774-7792

or email:

to schedule an appointment!

(Gift certificates excluded.)

Reiki Practitioners & Students

Reiki Shares held 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Includes discussion, guided meditation, and Reiki share on the tables (everyone gives Reiki & everyone receives).

Fee: $10

Call (732)774-7792 to RSVP your attendance!

Important note!!!

Always tell your doctor if you are using an alternative therapy or if you are thinking about combining an alternative therapy with your conventional medical treatment.

It may not be safe to forgo your conventional medical treatment and rely only on an alternative therapy.

Latest news from Holistic Health and Re

Trials on alternative care in Monmouth Medical Center

In an effort to integrate alternative and complementary care into clinical settings, Diane Todd is now leading a study at Monmouth Medical Center's oncology department. Monmouth Medical Center is one of Jersey Shore's primary hospitals, located in Long Branch.

In this trial, Diane meets weekly with patients teaching and empowering them with various techniques that include breathing exercises, guided imagery, Reiki, the power of positive thinking, managing worry, and much more. All techniques are those they can use on their own, and will enable them to actively help manage their illness and symptoms.

Patients are monitored on both an emotional and physical level to determine the benefits of the program. One of the key indicators the hospital is closely watching is medication, and if patients are able to reduce the dosage and strength of what they are taking, especially for pain management. This is critical because of medication side effects and dependency. Another significant indicator is whether Emergency Room visits are decreasing.

Patients with serious and long-term illnesses often suffer with acute anxiety, depression, panic and other issues that can be debilitating and cause additional negative effects on their physical health. This trial will offer key initiatives to assist patients in managing the emotional impact of their illness, as well.

The goal of the program is to integrate alternative care with the traditional care patients are currently receiving. It's not to replace traditional care, but to enhance it.

Holistic Health Connect is located

in beautiful historic Ocean Grove, NJ at the Jersey Shore in Monmouth County.

Make a treatment part of your visit here!

Want more information or need to make an appointment,

call (732) 774-7792!

Holistic Health Connect -- Your resource for holistic services in Central NJ!

Reiki -- Massage -- Craniosacral Therapy -- EFT -- Tuning Fork Therapy -- Workshops -- Chakra Clearing -- Auras -- Psychic Development -- Past Life Regression -- Crystals -- Law of Attraction -- BioMat -- Spiritual Development -- Personal Growth

Serving the Jersey Shore, as well as Northern & Central New Jersey!

Copyright 2013, Holistic Health Connect, All rights reserved.

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